
Opinions of The General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Sustainable and Healthy Development of the Construction Industry (2017) No.19

Release time: 2017-02-27 14:00:11 浏览量: 发稿人:欧洲杯买球赛平台

 People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions under The State Council:

   建筑业是国民经济的支柱产业。Since the reform and opening up, China's construction industry has developed rapidly, the construction capacity has been continuously enhanced, the industrial scale has been continuously expanded, it has absorbed a large number of rural labor transfer, driven a large number of related industries, and made an important contribution to economic and social development, urban and rural construction and the improvement of people's livelihood。However, it should also be noted that the construction industry is still large but not strong, the supervision system and mechanism are not perfect, the engineering construction organization is backward, the level of architectural design needs to be improved, quality and safety accidents occur from time to time, there are many illegal market behaviors, the core competitiveness of enterprises is not strong, and the skill quality of workers is low。In order to implement the "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Further Strengthening the Management of Urban Planning and Construction", further deepen the reform of "decentralization service" in the construction industry, accelerate industrial upgrading, promote the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry, and provide support for new urbanization, with the consent of The State Council, the following opinions are hereby put forward:
The general requirement is to fully implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, as well as the Central Economic Work Conference, the Central Urbanization Work Conference and the Central Urban Work Conference,深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和治国理政新理念新思想新战略,认真落实党中央、国务院决策部署,We will make coordinated efforts to advance the overall plan of the "five-in-One" initiative and the "four-pronged comprehensive" strategy,Firmly establish and implement the concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development,坚持以推进供给侧结构性改革为主线,按照适用、经济、安全、绿色、美观的要求,深化建筑业“放管服”改革,完善监管体制机制,优化市场环境,提升工程质量安全水平,强化队伍建设,增强企业核心竞争力,促进建筑业持续健康发展,打造“中国建造”品牌。
(一)优化资质资格管理。Further simplify the qualification category and level setting of engineering construction enterprises, and reduce unnecessary qualification recognition。Select some areas to carry out pilot projects, for enterprises with good credit, relevant professional and technical capabilities, and can provide full guarantees, relax the restrictions on the scope of the contracted business within their qualification categories, and speed up the improvement of the credit system, project guarantee and personal qualification and other related supporting systems, and strengthen the supervision during and after the event。Strengthen the management of individual practicing qualifications, clarify the rights, obligations and responsibilities of registered practitioners, and strengthen the investigation of professional responsibilities。有序发展个人执业事务所,推动建立个人执业保险制度。Vigorously implement "Internet + government services", implement "one-stop" online approval, and further improve the efficiency of administrative approval in the construction field。
(二)完善招标投标制度。Accelerate the revision of the Provisions on the Standards for the Scope and Scale of Bidding for Construction Projects, narrow and strictly define the scope of construction projects that must be subject to bidding, relax the relevant scale standards, and prevent the practice of "one-size-fits-all" bidding for construction projects.。In housing construction projects with private investment, we will explore ways for construction units to independently decide on contracts。The construction projects that must be tendering according to law will be included in a unified public resources trading platform, and the bidding behavior will be standardized in accordance with the principles of fairness, justice, openness and good faith。We will further simplify the tendering and bidding procedures, realize the electronization of the whole process of tendering and bidding transactions as soon as possible, and implement online bid evaluation in different places。For government procurement construction projects whose suppliers are determined by competitive negotiation or single source according to law, the construction license shall be issued if the corresponding conditions are met。
三、完善工程建设组织模式(三)加快推行工程总承包。装配式建筑原则上应采用工程总承包模式。The government investment project should improve the construction management mode and take the lead in carrying out the project general contracting。We will speed up the improvement of bidding, construction permits, completion acceptance and other regulations related to general contracting projects。In accordance with the principle of overall responsibility of the general contractor, the responsibility of the general contractor in project quality and safety, schedule control, cost management and other aspects shall be implemented。Apart from the projects that are included in the scope of the general contract of the project in the form of provisional valuation and must be tendering according to law, the general contractor of the project may directly contract other professional businesses covered by the general contract。(四)培育全过程工程咨询。Encourage investment consulting, survey, design, supervision, bidding agency, cost and other enterprises to develop the whole process of engineering consulting through joint management, mergers and acquisitions and reorganization, and cultivate a number of international level of the whole process of engineering consulting enterprises。制定全过程工程咨询服务技术标准和合同范本。Government-invested projects should take the lead in implementing whole-process engineering consulting, and encourage non-government invested projects to entrust whole-process engineering consulting services。In civil construction projects, give full play to the leading role of architects and encourage the provision of whole-process engineering consulting services。四、加强工程质量安全管理(五)严格落实工程质量责任。Fully implement the project quality responsibility of all parties, especially strengthen the primary responsibility of the construction unit and the main responsibility of the survey, design and construction unit。Strictly implement the lifelong responsibility system for project quality, set up permanent signs in obvious parts of the building, and publicize the main body and main person responsible for quality。对违反有关规定、造成工程质量事故的,According to law, the responsible unit shall be given administrative penalties such as suspension of business rectification, reduction of qualification level, revocation of qualification certificate, and publicized through the national enterprise credit information publicity system,To give registered practitioners suspension of practice, revocation of qualification certificates, a certain period of time until life may not enter the industry and other penalties。For losses caused by project quality accidents, economic compensation liability shall be investigated according to law, and the relevant units and personnel shall be investigated for legal liability in serious cases。Construction enterprises involved in real estate development should operate in accordance with the law and improve the quality of housing。(六)加强安全生产管理。Fully implement the responsibility for production safety, strengthen the safety protection of the construction site, especially to strengthen the management of deep foundation pits, high support molds, lifting machinery and other dangerous sub-projects, as well as the risk assessment or demonstration of major engineering projects in poor geological areas。Promote the deep integration of information technology and production safety, accelerate the construction of construction safety supervision information system, and strengthen production safety management through information means。Establish and improve a full-coverage, multi-level and regular production safety training system to improve the safety quality of employees and the essential safety level of all parties。(七)全面提高监管水平。Improve engineering quality and safety laws, regulations and management systems, and improve the engineering quality and safety guarantee system under the responsibility of enterprises, government supervision and social supervision。Strengthen the government's supervision of project quality, clarify the scope of supervision, implement supervision responsibilities, increase random inspection and testing efforts, and focus on strengthening the supervision and inspection of the project foundation, main structure and other parts related to public safety and completion acceptance and other links。Strengthen the construction of project quality supervision teams, and the funds required by the supervision bodies to perform their functions will be fully guaranteed by the financial budgets at the same level。The government may, in the form of purchasing services, entrust qualified social forces to carry out supervision and inspection of project quality。Promote the standardized management of project quality and safety, and urge all parties to improve the quality and safety control mechanism。Strengthen the supervision of project supervision, select some areas to carry out the pilot supervision unit to report quality supervision to the government。Strengthen the management of engineering quality testing institutions, and severely crack down on the issuance of false reports。推动发展工程质量保险。五、优化建筑市场环境(八)建立统一开放市场。Break the barriers to regional market access, and cancel the unreasonable access conditions set by various regions and industries for construction enterprises in addition to laws, administrative regulations and State Council regulations;It is strictly prohibited to set up approval and record items without authorization or in disguise to provide a fair market environment for construction enterprises。Improve the national construction market supervision public service platform, and accelerate the realization of data sharing and exchange with the national credit information sharing platform and the national enterprise credit information publicity system。Establish a blacklist system for construction market players, fully disclose the credit records of enterprises and individuals in accordance with laws and regulations, and accept social supervision。(九)加强承包履约管理。Guide the contracting enterprise to provide the construction unit with performance guarantee in the form of bank guarantee or guarantee company guarantee。For government-invested projects that adopt conventional general technical standards, while in principle implementing the lowest bid, we will effectively play the role of performance guarantees to prevent malicious bids at low prices and ensure that project investment does not exceed the budget。严厉查处转包和违法分包等行为。Improve the bill of quantities pricing system and project cost information release mechanism, form a unified project cost pricing rules, reasonable determination and effective control of project cost。(十)规范工程价款结算。Audit institutions shall, in accordance with the law, strengthen the audit supervision of public works construction projects mainly invested by the government, and construction units shall not use the failure to complete the audit as a reason for delaying the settlement of projects or defaulting on project payments。未完成竣工结算的项目,有关部门不予办理产权登记。对长期拖欠工程款的单位不得批准新项目开工。Strictly implement the project advance payment system, and pay the advance payment to the contractor in full and timely according to the contract。Through economic and legal means such as the guarantee of payment of project funds, the construction unit is restricted to perform the contract, and the default of project funds is prevented。六、提高从业人员素质(十一)加快培养建筑人才。积极培育既有国际视野又有民族自信的建筑师队伍。加快培养熟悉国际规则的建筑业高级管理人才。大力推进校企合作,培养建筑业专业人才。加强工程现场管理人员和建筑工人的教育培训。We will improve the standard system for vocational skills in the construction industry, and fully implement the vocational skills appraisal system for skilled workers in the construction industry。Develop a number of construction workers' skills appraisal institutions, and carry out construction workers' skills evaluation。Through the formulation of the basic equipment standards for skilled workers on the construction site, the release of labor cost information for each skill level and type of work, etc., enterprises are guided to tilt the wage distribution toward key technical skill positions。We will vigorously promote the spirit of craftsmanship and train high-quality construction workers, and the number of construction workers with intermediate skills or above in the construction industry will reach 3 million by 2020 and 10 million by 2025。(十二)改革建筑用工制度。Promote the transformation of labor service enterprises in the construction industry, and vigorously develop professional enterprises focusing on carpentry, electricians, masonry, steel bar production, etc。Take professional enterprises as the main carrier of construction workers, and gradually realize the corporatization and professional management of construction workers。Encourage the existing professional enterprises to further do specialized and refined, enhance competitiveness, and promote the formation of a number of construction industry professional enterprises based on operations。We will promote the transformation of rural migrant workers in the construction industry into skilled workers, and strive to stabilize and expand their employment and entrepreneurship。Establish a national construction workers management service information platform, carry out construction workers real-name management, record construction workers' identity information, training, vocational skills, employment records and other information, and gradually achieve full coverage。(十三)保护工人合法权益。We will fully implement the labor contract system, intensify supervision, and urge construction units to sign labor contracts with hired construction workers in accordance with the law, and basically achieve full coverage of labor contracts by 2020。Improve the wage payment guarantee system, in accordance with the principle of who is responsible for the employment and the general contractor bears overall responsibility, implement the responsibility of wage payment of enterprises, and pay workers in full monthly wages in accordance with the law。Enterprises with wage arrears will be blacklisted, and disciplinary measures such as restricting market access will be taken against them, and the qualification level will be reduced if the circumstances are serious。We will establish and improve social insurance payment methods suitable for the construction industry, and vigorously encourage construction units to participate in work-related injury insurance。Construction units should fulfill their social responsibilities, constantly improve the working environment of construction workers, enhance occupational health levels, and promote stable employment of construction workers。七、推进建筑产业现代化(十四)推广智能和装配式建筑。Adhere to standardized design, factory production, assembly construction, integrated decoration, information management, intelligent application,推动建造方式创新,大力发展装配式混凝土和钢结构建筑,在具备条件的地方倡导发展现代木结构建筑,不断提高装配式建筑在新建建筑中的比例。Strive to use about 10 years, so that prefabricated buildings accounted for 30% of the new construction area。Promote and popularize intelligent applications in new buildings and the renovation of existing buildings, improve the operation and maintenance mechanism of intelligent systems, and achieve comfortable, safe, energy-saving and efficient buildings。(十五)提升建筑设计水平。Architectural design should reflect regional characteristics, national characteristics and times style, highlight the use of building functions and energy saving, water saving, land saving, material saving and environmental protection requirements, provide functional, reasonable, safe and reliable, advanced technology, environmental coordination of architectural design products。Improve the bidding and bidding system that ADAPTS to the characteristics of architectural design, and promote the design team bidding, design scheme bidding and other methods。Promote fair competition between domestic and foreign architectural design enterprises, and cultivate internationally competitive architectural design teams。倡导开展建筑评论,促进建筑设计理念的融合和升华。(十六)加强技术研发应用。Accelerate the research and development, manufacturing and promotion of advanced construction equipment and intelligent equipment, improve the performance and efficiency of various construction machinery and tools, and improve the degree of mechanized construction。限制和淘汰落后、危险工艺工法,保障生产施工安全。We will actively support scientific research in the construction industry and significantly increase the contribution rate of technological innovation to industrial development。Accelerate the integrated application of building information modeling (BIM) technology in the whole process of planning, survey, design, construction and operation and maintenance, realize the data sharing and information management of the whole life cycle of engineering construction projects, provide a basis for project optimization and scientific decision-making, and promote the quality and efficiency of the construction industry。(十七)完善工程建设标准。We will integrate and streamline mandatory standards, appropriately raise requirements for mandatory indicators such as safety, quality, performance, health, and energy conservation, and gradually raise standards。Actively cultivate group standards, encourage industry associations, industry alliances and other subjects with corresponding capabilities to jointly develop standards that meet the needs of the market and innovation, establish a standard supply system that combines mandatory standards and group standards, and increase the effective supply of standards。及时开展标准复审,加快标准修订,提高标准的时效性。Strengthen the information communication between scientific and technological research and development and standard formulation, establish a national engineering construction standards expert committee, provide technical support for engineering construction standardization work, and improve the quality and level of standards。Accelerating construction enterprises to "go global" (18) Strengthen the connection between Chinese and foreign standards。Actively carry out comparative research on Chinese and foreign standards, adapt to the internationally accepted standard content structure, factor indicators and related terms, and narrow the technical gap between Chinese standards and foreign advanced standards。We will strengthen the translation and promotion of Chinese standard foreign languages, and, guided by the "Belt and Road" strategy, give priority to the promotion and application of overseas investment, technology export and construction aid projects。Actively participate in international standard certification, exchanges and other activities to carry out bilateral cooperation on engineering and technical standards。到2025年,实现工程建设国家标准全部有外文版。(十九)提高对外承包能力。We will coordinate the construction industry to "go global", give full play to the comparative advantages of Chinese construction enterprises in the construction of high-speed railways, highways, electric power, ports, airports, oil and gas pipelines, high-rise buildings and other projects, contract foreign projects with goals, priorities and organizations, and participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road"。Construction enterprises should intensify research on international standards, actively adapt to international standards, strengthen management of the quality and performance of foreign contracted projects, and play an active role in livelihood projects such as housing aid to foreign countries。We will encourage large enterprises to lead small and medium-sized enterprises and enterprises in coastal and border areas to cooperate to "go to sea", actively and orderly explore the international market, and avoid vicious competition。We will guide foreign contracted engineering enterprises to expand in an orderly manner into high value-added fields such as project financing, design consulting, follow-up operation and maintenance management。We encourage local enterprises to improve their localized operations to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results with the countries and regions where they operate。(二十)加大政策扶持力度。Strengthen the communication, coordination and information sharing among the relevant departments in charge of "going global" in the construction industry。By 2025, China will sign bilateral engineering and construction cooperation memoranda with most countries and regions along the "Belt and Road", strive to include relevant content in bilateral free trade agreements, and promote international mutual recognition of professional qualifications in the construction field。We will give full play to the role of various financial instruments and focus on supporting major strategic projects in the field of construction in foreign economic cooperation。Learn from the internationally accepted project financing model, and increase financial support for the construction industry to "go global" in accordance with the principles of controllable risks and sustainable business。All regions and departments should attach great importance to deepening the reform of the construction industry, improve the working mechanism, clarify the division of tasks, timely study and solve major problems in the reform and development of the construction industry, improve relevant policies, and ensure that all reform tasks are completed on schedule。We will accelerate the revision of the Construction Law, the Bidding Law and other laws, and improve relevant laws and regulations。Give full play to the advantages of the association chamber of commerce familiar with the industry and close to the enterprise, timely reflect the demands of the enterprise, feedback on the implementation of policies, and play a good role in regulating the industry order, establishing the code of conduct of practitioners, and promoting the integrity of enterprises。                           国务院办公厅


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