Provincial regulations

Implementation Opinions of Henan Provincial Committee of the CPC and Henan Provincial People's Government on Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization and Accelerating Agricultural and Rural Modernization

Release time: 2021-07-07 10:46:44 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network


    “The 13th Five-Year PlanDuring the period, various departments throughout the province earnestly implemented the guidelines of the Party Central Committee and The State Council三农Decisions and arrangements were made, poverty alleviation targets and tasks were completed as scheduled, and all poor rural people were lifted out of poverty by current standards, and all poor counties were removed from poverty。Agriculture developed steadily, and total grain output continued to grow4Stable at1300The structural reform of the agricultural supply side has made solid progress。Rural infrastructure and public services have been continuously improved, rural reform has been deepened, rural income has maintained rapid growth, and rural governance has been strengthened。New historic achievements have been made in agricultural and rural development, and rural revitalization has achieved a good start, laying a solid foundation for our province to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way。

  Fourteen fifthIt is the first five years of a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country, and a crucial period for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating agricultural and rural modernization。All localities and departments should persist in solving the problem三农As the top priority, seize strategic opportunities and put more resources to三农Tilt, let more development factors converge to the countryside, solidly implement the rural revitalization strategy, and explore a road of rural revitalization with regional characteristics。

  I. General requirements

  (1) Guiding ideology。Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,We will fully implement the principles of the second, third, fourth, and fifth Central Congresses of the 19th and 19th CPC National Congresses,认真贯彻习近平总书记关于河南工作的重要讲话和指示批示精神,We will implement the principles of the Central Rural Work Conference,Adhere to a new vision for development,Adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability,In-depth implementationFour forcesKeep playing wellfour-cardPractice county governanceThree risingDo township workThree-in-one combination,We will make it our top priority to ensure the supply of important agricultural products, especially food,We will take deepening the supply-side structural reform of agriculture as our main task,We will take the implementation of rural construction actions as a key starting point,Take reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force,We will consolidate and expand our achievements in poverty alleviation,We will comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology and organizations,We will promote high-quality and efficient agriculture, make rural areas livable and productive, and make farmers prosperous,We will make greater breakthroughs in rural revitalization and take the lead in the country,It will provide strong support for the all-round construction of socialist modernization in Henan。

  (2) Objectives and tasks。2021The modernization of agriculture and rural areas accelerated。The results of poverty alleviation continued to be consolidated, and the policy system and working mechanism for poverty alleviation were effectively linked to rural revitalization and made a smooth transition。The total grain output for the whole year remained stable1300Over 100 million catty, the production of live pigs developed steadily, and the ability to ensure the supply of important agricultural products was further enhanced。Further progress was made in the supply-side structural reform of agriculture, the quality and efficiency of agriculture continued to improve, and the quality of agricultural products and food safety were further improved。We launched a comprehensive campaign to build rural areas, improved rural infrastructure and basic public services, and improved the living environment in rural areas。The plan for modernization of agriculture and rural areas was launched, key tasks of rural reform were deepened, rural incomes grew rapidly, and rural society remained harmonious and stable。

  到2025Rural revitalization was at the forefront of the country, and the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations was further promoted。We have been at the forefront of consolidating and expanding our achievements in poverty alleviation, and the economic vitality and sustainability of development in poverty-stricken areas have been significantly enhanced。In the new era, the national core area for grain production was initially established, the agricultural foundation was more stable, the level of agricultural facilities and equipment and modern seed industry led the country, and the production and supply capacity of grain and important agricultural products was further enhanced。We have taken the lead in the high-quality development of agriculture, basically formed a modern rural industrial system, significantly improved the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture, and significantly increased the scale, industrialization, and intensification of agriculture。We have taken the lead in rural development, achieved initial facilitation of rural living facilities, made basic public services more equal in urban and rural areas, and significantly changed the appearance of rural areas。The system and mechanism for integrated urban and rural development have become more sound, county economies have developed vigorously, and rural development has been fully stimulated。The income level of rural residents approaches or reaches the national average, the income gap between urban and rural residents continues to narrow, and farmers' sense of happiness and security has significantly improved。

  Second, to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link them with rural revitalization

  (3) Implementing the five-year transition period。After the completion of the poverty alleviation targets and tasks, the county that has lifted itself out of poverty shall be established from the date of poverty alleviation5Annual transition period。Strengthen to consolidateFour without pickingSupervision and inspection of policy outcomes and implementation of policies and measures to benefit and enrich the people and promote common prosperity。Strict implementation during the transition periodFour without pickingIt is required to maintain the overall stability of major support policies。The continuation of the existing help policy, the optimization of the optimization, the adjustment of the adjustment, to ensure the continuity of the policy。We will continue to maintain stability in our bailout policies。We will implement inclusive policies for ensuring people's livelihood, including education, health care, housing, and drinking water, and give appropriate preferential treatment to people in light of their actual difficulties。We will improve industrial employment and other development policies。During the period of poverty alleviation, the policy of strengthening the financial security capacity for poor areas should be maintained for a period of time, and the connection with the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization should be strengthened。

  4. Continue to consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation。We will improve the dynamic monitoring and assistance mechanisms for preventing relapse into poverty, and implement dynamic management of assistance targets。Implement the work responsibilities of the industry authorities and consolidateTwo is not afraid of three guarantees成果。We should do a good job in the follow-up support work for poverty alleviation relocation in inhospitable areas, increase support from the aspects of employment needs, industrial development and the improvement of follow-up supporting facilities construction, and improve the community governance capacity of resettlement areas。We will strengthen the management and supervision of the assets of poverty alleviation projects to ensure that public welfare assets continue to play their role and that operational assets are not lost or misappropriated。

  5. Continue to promote rural revitalization in poverty-stricken areas。We will plan and develop rural industries with special characteristics in counties that have been lifted out of poverty, implement actions to improve the cultivation industry with special characteristics, improve the support measures for the whole industrial chain, and continue to vigorously implement consumer assistance。Continue to do a good job in the export of organized labor。We will make full use of public welfare posts and provide employment assistance to qualified people who have difficulty finding jobs。We will promote the cash-for-work approach in the construction of agricultural and rural infrastructure to attract more people out of poverty and low-income people to find jobs in the local area。We will focus on building a number of major regional and trans-regional infrastructure projects in poverty-stricken areas。We will adhere to and improve the mechanisms for fixed-point assistance, counterpart assistance and the participation of social forces。The provincial government has identified Lusi County, Song County, Taiqian County and Xichuan County as key rural revitalization counties for centralized support。

  6. Providing regular assistance to low-income rural residents。We will do a good job in monitoring the dynamics of low-income rural populations and provide assistance at different levels。For low-income rural people who are able to work, we will continue to provide development-oriented assistance to help them improve their endogenous development capacity, develop industries, participate in employment, and get rich through hard work。For those who have lost the ability to work and cannot obtain a stable income through industrial employment, on the basis of the existing social security system, they will be included in the scope of rural subsistence allowances or assistance and support for people in extreme poverty, and special assistance and temporary assistance will be provided in a timely manner according to the types of difficulties。

  Third, we must shoulder the responsibility of ensuring food security

  7. Improving capacity to ensure the supply of grain and major agricultural products。We will conscientiously implement the responsibility system for food security, build a core area for national grain production in the new era, and create a national industrial belt for food security1.6More than 100 million mu to ensure the steady improvement of grain production capacity。Improve the long-term mechanism for the steady and orderly development of the pig industry, build modern breeding bases, and protect the basic production capacity of pigs.2021At the end of the year, the pig production capacity was restored to the normal level。We will fully implement the policy of supporting and rewarding major grain-producing counties。We will stabilize and strengthen grain subsidies, implement the policy of minimum purchase prices for wheat and rice, carry out trials of full cost insurance for wheat, and encourage farmers to grow grain。We will deepen the reform of state-owned grain enterprises and build large grain and oil enterprise groups with strong competitiveness。We will implement the strategy to guarantee important agricultural products and implement itGrocery basketThe mayoral responsibility system will be strengthened to ensure the supply of important agricultural products in cities。

  8. Adhere to the red line of cultivated land。We will implement the strictest system for the protection of cultivated land and resolutely curb cultivated landnon-agriculturizationPrevent arable landdegrainingIt is strictly prohibited to illegally occupy farmland and violate the laws of nature to afforestation and dig lakes to create scenery, and further promote the special rectification action of illegally occupied farmland in rural areas to build houses。We will clearly prioritize the use of cultivated land, standardize the management of land used for agricultural facilities, strictly control the conversion of cultivated land into forest land, garden land and other types of agricultural land, and strengthen oversight of land transfer and use。We will accelerate the implementation of a new round of high-standard farmland construction.2021New high standard farmland750Ten thousand acres, to2025High standard farmland was built8000万亩。Push onThe 12th Five-Year PlanSince the survey and rectification of high-standard farmland key facilities, a long-term management and protection mechanism has been established and improved。Strengthen the protection of cultivated land capacity and improve the quality of cultivated land environment。

  (9) Build a modern seed industry strong province。We will strengthen the protection, development and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources, promote the establishment of national regional centers for the protection and utilization of crop germplasm resources, and accelerate the investigation and collection of crop germplasm resources and livestock and poultry germplasm resources。Focus on wheat, corn, peanuts, edible fungi and other advantageous crops, as well as the development of facilities agriculture, flowers, forest fruits, animal husbandry and other urgently needed excellent varieties, high yield and stable yield, multi-resistance, wide adaptability, high quality and efficient new varieties, to2025The annual rate of good crop varieties is up to97%以上。Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights in the field of breeding。Accelerate the construction of the national (Henan) biological breeding industry innovation center。We will vigorously promote the construction of agricultural supply security laboratories。Strengthen the construction of seed production bases and improved seed breeding systems, study subsidy policies after the research and development and promotion of major varieties, vigorously cultivate leading enterprises in the seed industry, and accelerate the pace of listing enterprises。

  10. Strengthening modern agricultural science and technology and material equipment support。Uphold self-reliance in agricultural science and technology,We will improve the mechanism for stable support for basic research in agricultural science and technology,We will improve the quality and efficiency of national and provincial agricultural science and technology parks,Accelerate the construction of Zhoukou national agricultural high-tech industry Demonstration zone,Promote the establishment of Xinxiang national agricultural high-tech industrial demonstration zone,We will promote the development of technological innovation centers for grain processing, smart pig farming, and animal biological products,We will accelerate the transformation and application of agricultural scientific and technological achievements,到2025The contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress reached67%。We will improve the system for spreading agricultural technology and carry out the system of special commissioners for science and technology。We will strengthen animal epidemic prevention and the monitoring, early warning, prevention and control system for crop diseases and pests, improve the comprehensive agro-meteorological monitoring network, and enhance our ability to prevent agricultural disasters。Promote the transformation and upgrading of the agricultural machinery and equipment industry, accelerate the construction of the national agricultural machinery and equipment innovation center, and carry out subsidies for agricultural machinery operations2025The overall mechanization rate of main crop cultivation and harvest reached90%以上。Vigorously implementThe four waters are governed togetherAccelerate the construction progress of the ten major water conservancy projects, start a new round of nine key water conservancy projects, and carry out the continuation and modernization of large and medium-sized irrigation areas2025All the existing dangerous reservoirs have been strengthened, and the area of efficient water-saving irrigation has reached4000万亩。

  Fourth, we accelerated high-quality agricultural development

  11. Developing high-efficiency farming。In accordance with the direction of regionalization of layout, standardization of production, scale of operation, industrialization of development, green methods, and product branding, we will further promote the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, and promote the improvement of varieties, quality improvement, brand building, and standardized production。The construction of ten advantageous characteristic agricultural product bases, the creation of a number of national and provincial characteristic agricultural product advantage areas, to2025High quality special wheat development to2000Ten thousand acres, the development of high-quality peanuts2500Ten thousand mu, advantageous characteristics of agricultural output value of up to6500Over 100 million yuan。We will speed up the establishment of a modern animal husbandry system, strengthen the pig industry, expand the grass and livestock industry, develop the refined poultry industry, and improve the forage and grass industry, and vigorously develop modern animal husbandry。Improve the scale, standardization and equipment level of pig breeding, to2025Annual pig output is stable6000About 10,000 head。Accelerate the development of cattle and sheep and other grass livestock, promote green and healthy aquaculture, to2025Annual output value of animal husbandry accounted for the proportion of total agricultural output value35%以上。

  12. Developing the green food industry。Around the five major industries of noodles, meat, oil, milk, fruits and vegetables, extend the industrial chain, build a supply chain, and enhance the value chain2025The conversion rate of agricultural products processing reached75%。Make excellent flour products, develop special flour, functional flour, vigorously develop leisure food, convenience food, and develop high-grade staple food processing products。Stronger meat products, faster调猪调肉Transform, develop the cattle and sheep slaughtering and processing industry, steadily develop poultry meat processing, and make use of the advantages of rich livestock and poultry product resourcesCentral kitchen。Do fine oil products, improve the level of peanut industrialization, support oil leading enterprises in the main production areas of flowers to accelerate the layout, the development of oil tea, oil peony and other woody oil。We will expand dairy products, implement actions to revitalize the dairy industry, cultivate and expand leading dairy processing enterprises, accelerate the construction of high-quality milk source bases, increase the self-sufficiency rate of milk source, and adjust the structure of dairy products。Do special fruit and vegetable products, promote the origin of primary processing, the development of deep processing。

  (13) Building strong agricultural counties with advantages and characteristics。坚持One county, one business”“One town, one special”“One village, one productSupport each county to nurture1—2A leading industry, to202560%The county has distinct characteristics and obvious advantages of leading industries, created300More than national, provincial agricultural industry strong town。Adhere to the development of the whole industrial chain, establish a map of the development of ten leading industrial chains such as wheat, corn and pigs, and accelerate the construction of a development pattern with complete chains, smooth circulation and efficient operation。Do a good job in the development of advantageous characteristic industrial clusters such as yellow cattle and Funiu Mountain mushroom in southwest Henan, and support the creation of advantageous characteristic industrial clusters in areas with good industrial basic conditions, large development potential and concentrated contiguous areas2025Annual cultivation10A national advantageous characteristic industrial cluster。Accelerate the construction of national, provincial, city and county level modern agricultural industrial park system, to2025Year created10More than national level,100More than provincial modern agricultural industrial parks。We will take agricultural modernization demonstration zones as an important starting point to promote agricultural modernization, and create them on a county basis to form a pattern of promoting agricultural modernization in steps。Actively expand the multiple functions of agriculture, vigorously develop new industries and new forms of business, promote the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and realize the diversification of rural economy。Organize and carry outThousands of enterprises thrive in thousands of villages行动。

  (14) Promoting quality agriculture, green agriculture, brand and strong agriculture。Promote the green development of agriculture, actively develop ecological circular agriculture, continue to promote the reduction of fertilizer and pesticide efficiency, promote the utilization of livestock and poultry manure, straw, agricultural film, agricultural product processing byproducts and other resources, accelerate the construction of agricultural green development pilot area2025The fertilizer utilization rate of main crops reached43%Above, pesticide utilization rate up to43%Above, the comprehensive utilization rate of manure in livestock and poultry breeding reaches83%Above, the comprehensive utilization rate of straw up to93%以上。Vigorously develop water-saving agriculture, adhere to water-based planting, and continue to improve agricultural water efficiency。Establish a sound agricultural standard system, implement a certificate system for edible agricultural products, focus on vegetables, forest fruits, meat, eggs and milk products, strengthen quality and safety traceability management, and promote the creation of agricultural product quality and safety counties202580%The above large-scale agricultural business entities have basically realized the traceability of agricultural products.50%The above counties have reached the national standards for the quality and safety of agricultural products。Vigorously cultivate agricultural brands, and strive to buildYu Nong excellent productsOverall brand, enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products, to2025The development of regional public brand, enterprise brand and product brand of agricultural products above the provincial level1500More than。

  15. Develop diversified forms of appropriately scaled operations。Accelerate the cultivation of specialized farmers' cooperatives, carry out standardized and upgraded actions for specialized farmers' cooperatives, promote the demonstration establishment of specialized farmers' cooperatives and the upgrading of the whole county, and guide specialized farmers' cooperatives to voluntarily set up associative cooperatives according to law2025Farmers' professional cooperative reached25Thousands of farmers, above the provincial level professional cooperative demonstration community3000Above home。We will implement the family farm cultivation plan, bring qualified breeding households and professional households into the scope of family farms, and promote the demonstration of family farms throughout the county2025The family farm developed to3010000, above the county level demonstration family farms1万家。Promote the construction of professional social service organizations, and introduce advanced and applicable varieties, inputs, technologies, and equipment to small farmers。We will improve the mechanism for linking interests, promote large-scale agricultural management, and promote the organic connection between small farmers and modern agriculture。

  Fifth, vigorously implement the rural development campaign

  (16) Formulate rural plans scientifically。Actively implement county-level urban-rural integration planning actions, taking into account land use, industrial development, settlement layout, improvement of the human settlement environment, ecological protection and historical and cultural inheritance, and coordinate the drafting of county-level urban and rural planning.2021By the end of this year, the county level land spatial planning was completed, the classification and layout planning of county villages were completed, and the township land spatial planning was basically completed。Guide the village construction behavior, delimit the village construction boundary, arrange the construction time series。For villages that have not been prepared for the time being, construction will be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements for use control and construction management determined in the territorial spatial planning at the county and township levels。Rural planning and management committees have been established in towns and villages, and the rural construction planning permission system has been fully implemented。Village construction should inherit the local traditional folk style and reflect the local characteristics of the Central Plains。We will carry out a campaign to improve the quality of rural housing, standardize the review and approval of rural residential land, strengthen the management of self-built housing by villagers, and improve the quality of rural housing construction。We will strengthen the management of residential land and ensure land for housing construction in rural areas。We will continue to renovate dilapidated rural houses and quake-resistant rural houses in areas fortified by high-intensity earthquakes.3Within the year to complete the investigation and rectification of agricultural housing safety hazards。We will strengthen the protection of traditional village dwellings and historic and cultural villages and towns, and refrain from large-scale demolition and construction。Strictly regulate the withdrawal of villages and must not force farmers to go upstairs against their will。

  (17) Promote the integration of urban and rural infrastructure in counties。We will give priority to rural areas in public infrastructure development, promote the upgrading of rural infrastructure, and establish an infrastructure service network that covers all areas, benefits all, and integrates urban and rural areas。We will accelerate efforts to integrate urban and rural transportation at county levelFour good rural roadDevelop, fully implement the road length system, promote equal urban and rural passenger transport services, and facilitate rural logistics services.2021The basic realization of the province20Households above the condition of the natural village through the hardened road, to2025Year to complete4New reconstruction of 10,000 kilometers of rural roads。Implementation of county-level urban and rural water supply security integration action, promote rural water supply scale, marketization, surface drinking water sources, urban and rural water supply integration2025The rural tap water penetration rate reached93%。We will implement county-level actions to integrate urban and rural clean energy construction, consolidate and improve the level of rural electricity security, and accelerate implementationGasification village工程,2021Year to complete5000A rural power distribution station area was upgraded, and new rural natural gas users were added200Ten thousand households, to2025The main technical indicators of the rural power grid in the province reached the leading level in the central region, and the gas pipeline network in key towns and villages basically achieved full coverage。Implementation of county-level urban-rural information and communication network integration action,2021To achieve township, rural hot spots5GFull network coverage, to2025Nian rural area5GBase station number up to5To achieve areas above township level and key administrative villages5GFull network coverage。Implementation of county-level urban and rural radio and television construction integration action, promote the construction of emergency broadcasting system, comprehensive progressSmart radio and television+Public service

  (18) Promote equal access to basic public services for urban and rural residents in counties。We will improve the mechanism for balanced allocation of public resources between urban and rural areas, strengthen coordination between counties and villages in providing basic public services in rural areas, and gradually unify standards and integrate systems。We will implement a campaign to equalize education services in urban and rural areas at county level, strengthen the construction of rural schools, coordinate the provision of teachers in urban and rural areas, and ensure that children and young people receive fair and quality education。Implement equalization of basic public cultural services at the county level, implement provincial standards for basic public cultural services, promote the construction of county-level public libraries and cultural centers, adhere to digitalization, community, socialization, and innovative implementation of cultural projects to benefit the people。Implement equalization of medical and health services at county level, build a high-quality and compact county medical community, implement community-level medical and health service capacity improvement project, build an integrated county-village medical service system, and promote the construction of healthy villages.2021The standardization rate of grass-roots medical and health institutions in the province reached the standard80%The proportion of public property village clinics reached70%Above, to202550%Township health centers built into community hospitals, selected construction300All township health centers have reached the level of second-level general hospitals, and the proportion of public ownership village clinics has reached90%以上。We will implement equalization of social security at county level, improve the unified basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents, and improve the three-tier old-age service network connecting counties and villages2025The number of nursing beds in elderly care institutions accounted for a large proportion55%Above, promote the construction of village-level happiness homes, day care centers and other elderly service facilities, and develop inclusive elderly care services and mutual assistance for the elderly in rural areas。We will implement the mechanism for determining the benefits of basic old-age insurance for non-working urban and rural residents and regularly adjusting the standards for basic old-age pensions,We will promote coordinated development of the urban and rural subsistence allowance systems,We will gradually improve the quality of support services for people living in extreme poverty,We will strengthen care and care services for rural left-behind children, women, the elderly and children in need,We will establish a system of funeral subsidies for basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents,到2025The old-age insurance participation rate of urban and rural residents reached95%以上。We will actively promote the equalization of funeral services and steadily increase the fire rate。We will improve the social work service system in counties and villages, and promote the full coverage of social work services in towns and townships。

  19. We carried out a five-year campaign to improve rural living environment。Tree fast green development concept, promote the systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, and promote ecological revitalization。We will continue to improve the rural living environment by combining demonstration with overall progress, making breakthroughs in key areas with comprehensive improvement, and building a number of ecologically livable and beautiful villages。We will steadily advance the rural toilet revolution and strengthen follow-up management and care services.2021New renovation of rural sanitary toilets150Ten thousand households, to2025A total of new rural sanitary toilet renovation550万户。We will accelerate the treatment of domestic sewage in rural areas, and carry out in-depth efforts to control black and odorous water bodies in rural areas and comprehensively improve rural water systems。Promote the classification and reduction of rural household waste at source and the treatment and utilization of resources.2021To achieve full coverage of rural domestic waste collection, transportation and disposal system2025Basically realize the classification and utilization of rural household garbage。Improve the overall appearance of the village and actively carry outSimei village”“Beautiful town”“Five beauty courtyardBuild to202530%The above administrative villages reachSimei villageConstruction standards,50%The seat of the township government above reachesBeautiful townConstruction standards,50%The above farmer's courtyard is reachedFive beauty courtyardConstruction standard。Focusing on ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, we will build a number of demonstration counties for comprehensive control of agricultural non-point source pollution, and build a demonstration belt of beautiful villages along the Yellow River。

  20. Accelerating integrated development of urban and rural areas in counties。We will coordinate the implementation of the new urbanization strategy and the rural revitalization strategy, accelerate the establishment and improvement of institutions, mechanisms and policy systems for integrated urban and rural development, take counties as important entry points for integrated urban and rural development, and create a new pattern of development with county towns as the leader, central towns as nodes, and villages as hinterlands。Strengthen the county's comprehensive service capacity, undertake the transfer of suitable industries, cultivate pillar industries, and promote the high-quality development of county economy。We will accelerate the development of small towns, actively promote the expansion of the power of strong towns, plan and build a number of key towns, improve the infrastructure and public services of towns and cities, better leverage the role of small towns and cities in connecting cities and serving rural areas, and turn towns and cities into regional centers serving farmers。We will promote qualified rural areas to rely on or integrate existing public service facility resources, build rural comprehensive service facilities, and provide them to farmersOne-door procedure”“One-stop serviceTo build a rural convenience service system combining online and offline。We will promote the local citizenization of rural migrant workers working in counties, and increase the supply of housing to meet the rigid needs of rural residents in cities。打好Nostalgia Card”“Career cardOptimize services for returning entrepreneurs, support the construction of returning entrepreneurs' parks and incubation training bases, and promote migrant workers, business professionals, and technical personnel to participate in the cause of rural revitalization。

  21. Comprehensively promoting rural consumption。We will further promote e-commerce into rural areas and agricultural products out of villages into cities, and improve the support and guarantee system for online sales of agricultural products, so that more agricultural products can be realized locallyOnline value-addedMore farmers to achieve localOnline employment。We will promote the upgrading of durable consumer goods for rural residents, effectively link urban and rural production with consumption, meet the needs of rural residents to upgrade consumption, and attract urban residents to spend in the countryside。We will actively cultivate rural tourism brands such as boutique homestays, characteristic villages of rural tourism, characteristic eco-tourism demonstration towns, leisure and sightseeing parks, and rural tourism maker demonstration bases, and promote the high-quality development of rural tourism。We will implement integrated actions to build county-level urban and rural logistics systems, improve the logistics system of agricultural products supply chain, and promote the construction of Tiantou small storage and preservation cold chain facilities, low-temperature direct sales distribution centers in producing areas, and backbone cold chain logistics bases.2021At the end of the year, the express logistics accessibility rate of administrative villages in the province reached80%Above, to2025Administrative village express logistics access rate reached100%

  22. Improving investment and financing mechanisms for rural revitalization。We will make agriculture and rural areas priorities in general public budgets and improve them三农A mechanism for the steady growth of fiscal input will form a pattern of diversified input, with fiscal guarantee given priority, financial support given priority, and active social participation。Strengthen the overall planning of financial resources, strengthen the assessment of the proportion of land transfer proceeds used for agriculture and rural areas, ensure that the proportion used for agriculture and rural areas is increased in accordance with regulations, and study and formulate measures for the management of provincial land index transaction proceeds to support rural revitalization。We will further improve the long-term mechanism for coordinating and integrating agriculture-related funds。We will set up a rural revitalization fund in a market-based manner, continue to expand the scale of agriculture-related investment funds such as the modern agriculture Development Fund and the Equity Investment Fund for comprehensive agricultural Development, and focus on supporting the development of rural industries。We will continue to support qualified projects in the construction of modern agricultural facilities and rural construction by issuing general bonds and special bonds, and establish a reserve pool of high-quality projects。Support development financial institutions to increase medium - and long-term credit support for rural revitalization, and encourage banking financial institutions to establish internal institutions and specialized branches to serve rural revitalization。We will maintain the overall stability of the legal person status and number of rural financial institutions such as rural credit cooperatives in counties, and do a good job in supervision and management, risk mitigation, and deepening reform。Improve the agricultural credit guarantee system, strengthen the quantitative assessment of the amplification ratio of agricultural credit guarantee, and increase the scale of agricultural credit guarantee。Promote insurance for bulk agricultural products byGuaranteed costGuarantee price, guarantee incomeTransformation, innovation and development of advantages and characteristics of agricultural products insurance, continuous exploration保险+期货”“保险+信贷模式。We will vigorously carry out small credit loans for farmers, pledge loans for insurance policies, and mortgage loans for agricultural machinery and greenhouse facilities。Support cities and counties to build a shared agriculture-related credit information database3A relatively complete credit system for new agricultural business entities has been basically established。We will vigorously develop inclusive finance in rural areas and improve itLankao experienceFinancial poverty alleviationRoux modelPromote comprehensively党建+金融”“Whole village credit。探索Digital financeService agriculture and rural development model。

  23. Deepening rural reform。We will ensure that farmers' collective ownership of rural land remains unchanged, that household contracts remain fundamental, that rural land contracts remain stable and remain unchanged for a long time, and that the second round of land contracts be extended when they expire30Jiyuan pilot work。Explore contracted landThe three powers are separatedVarious forms of realization, guide the standardized and orderly transfer of land management rights, improve the service system of land management rights transfer, and strengthen the construction of rural property rights transfer transactions and management information network platforms。We will explore and implement a system for putting rural collective for-profit construction land on the market。We will improve policies to revitalize existing rural construction land, implement negative list management, and give priority to protecting rural industrial development and rural construction land。According to the actual needs of the decentralized layout of rural leisure and tourism industries, we will explore flexible and diverse new ways of land supply。Cautiously promote Mengjin and so on5Pilot reforms of the rural housing land system were carried out in counties (cities and districts), and routine registration and certification of integrated housing land was standardized。We will deepen reform of the rural collective property rights system and develop and strengthen a new type of rural collective economy。We will ensure that farmers who have settled in cities have the right to contract land, the right to use residential land, and the right to distribute collective income, and explore a mechanism for voluntary and compensated transfer in accordance with the law。We will accelerate the reform of comprehensive agricultural administrative law enforcement。We will deepen comprehensive pricing reform for water used in agriculture。We will deepen the reform of the rural collective forest rights system。Strengthen the system of river and lake chiefs and comprehensively implement the system of forest chiefs。We will deepen comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, and carry out production, supply and marketing, and credit operationsTrinityWe will conduct pilot projects for comprehensive cooperation and improve comprehensive platforms to serve farmers' production and life。

  Sixth, strengthen the Party right三农Overall leadership of the work

  (24) Strengthen the working mechanism of the fifth-level secretaries to focus on rural revitalization。Thoroughly implement the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Rural Work,We will implement a leadership system for rural work in which the province assumes overall responsibility and cities, counties and townships are responsible for implementation,Work mechanisms such as organizational promotion, factor guarantee, policy support, collaborative assistance, assessment and supervision will be formed in the work of poverty alleviation,It will be used to promote rural revitalization in accordance with actual needs,We will establish and improve a work system for rural revitalization that integrates all aspects of rural revitalization with precise policies。We will improve the leadership responsibility system for implementing the rural revitalization strategy, and the main responsible comrades of party committees and governments at all levels shall be the first responsible persons, and they shall personally study and promote the rural revitalization work。The county party secretary should focus on catching三农At work, do a good job of rural revitalizationFront-line commander。Establish a system of contact points for rural revitalization, and the responsible comrades of provincial, city and county Party committees and governments shall determine contact points。We will carry out rural revitalization rotation training for Party secretaries at the county and village levels, and strengthen training for comrades in charge at all levels。The revitalization of rural talents will be included in the personnel work deployment of the Party committee, actively promote the cultivation of talents, the introduction of talents, the return of talents, and the use of talents, and strengthen the incentive and constraint of talents to serve the countryside。We will take the front-line exercise of rural revitalization as an important way to train cadres, and give priority to officials who perform well in difficult areas and key posts。

  25. Strengthening the building of the Party Committee's leading group for Rural work and its working institutions。Give full play to the role of the rural work leading group of the Party Committee at all levels to lead and coordinate, and the member units to solicit the opinions of the rural work leading Group of the Party Committee and record important agriculture-related policies。围绕Five major rejuvenation projectsObjectives and tasks, all localities should set up special work groups led by Party committees and government responsible comrades, establish work ledgers, and consolidate work responsibilities。Strengthen the functions of the Office of the Rural Work Leading Group of the Party Committee, such as decision-making staff, overall coordination, policy guidance, promotion of implementation, supervision and inspection, and decompose every year三农The key tasks of the work are implemented to the responsible departments, and the progress of the work is regularly scheduled。We will strengthen the institutional setup and personnel allocation of the office of the Party Committee Leading Group on Rural Affairs。We will steadily and orderly adjust the establishment of poverty alleviation agencies at all levels。

  26. Promoting rural revitalization on a classified basis。In accordance with the economic and social development and the law of rural construction, and based on factors such as location conditions, resource endowment, industrial base and development level, rural revitalization work will be promoted by county。Identify a number of demonstration and leading counties, and accelerate the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy with a high starting point and high standardsFive major rejuvenation projectsStep to create a typical experience that can be replicated and promoted。Determine a number of overall counties, increase the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, coordinate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and constantly enhance the development strength of counties。Identify a number of counties to consolidate and upgrade, focus on effectively connecting poverty alleviation with rural revitalization, and gradually make a smooth transition to comprehensively promoting rural revitalization。

  27. Strengthening the guidance of rural grassroots Party organizations。Continue to focus on party building to promote rural revitalization, implement fortress projects, and build strong rural grass-roots party organizations。Carry out high-quality centralized changes in towns and villages, and select excellent and strong township leaders and villages两委Members especially the village party organization secretary,In places where conditions permit, actively promote the secretary of the village Party organization to serve as the director of the village committee through legal procedures,The members of the village Supervisory Committee shall be elected simultaneously with the new term,Comprehensively implement the secretary of the discipline inspection committee of the village Party organization or the discipline inspection committee as the director of the village Supervision Committee,Grassroots discipline inspection and supervision organizations should strengthen communication and cooperation with village affairs supervision committees and effectively link them up,Form supervisory synergy。We will adhere to and improve the system of selecting first village secretaries and working teams for villages with heavy rural revitalization tasks, weak and lax villages, and villages with weak collective economies。We will strengthen incentives and care for grass-roots cadres in rural areas, increase wage subsidies, improve working and living conditions, and help solve practical difficulties。

  28. Improving rural governance。We will establish and improve a village-level organizational system with primary-level Party organizations as the leader, grassroots self-governing organizations and village supervision organizations as the basis, collective economic organizations and farmers' cooperative organizations as the link, and other economic and social organizations as the supplement。We will promote standardized construction of village committees and make village affairs more transparentSunshine project。We will support multi-party participation in rural governance, strengthen the development of women's federations, Communist Youth League, disabled persons' federations, and other organizations, give full play to the role of community social organizations that provide life services, public welfare charities, and residents' mutual assistance, and support the development of rural social work and voluntary services。深化Four discussions and two publicWorking method。Strengthen rural communitiesSmall powerSupervise and restrict, comprehensively establish and continuously improve the village levelSmall powerList system。We will carry out pilot and demonstration work on rural governance。We will carry out efforts to improve the safety of rural areas, improve the regular mechanism for eradicating crimes in rural areas, and improve the system for preventing and controlling public security in rural areasOne village, one policeLong-term mechanism to continue to promote the countrysideBrilliant engineeringWe will develop and improve multiple mechanisms for resolving conflicts and disputes。We will strengthen the construction of villages under the rule of law, carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law, create demonstration villages (communities) under the rule of law, and cultivate rural people who understand the law and demonstration families who study and use the law。We will strengthen the construction of emergency management and fire safety systems in counties and villages, and do a good job in risk assessment, monitoring, early warning, and emergency handling of major events such as natural disasters, public health and safety hazards。

  29. Strengthening ideological and moral development in rural areas。弘扬和践行社会主义核心价值观,以农民群众喜闻乐见的方式,In-depth development习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想学习教育。We will expand the construction of centers for practicing civilization in the new era, deepen mass activities to promote spiritual civilization, and accelerate the construction of civilized towns and villages。Carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, the spirit of Red Flag Canal, the spirit of Dabie Mountain, and the spirit of Yugong moving mountains, and vigorously carry forward the culture of the Yellow RiverYellow River storyStrengthen cultural confidence and promote cultural revitalization。Build and make good use of county-level financial media centers。In-depth developmentListen to the Party, feel the party's kindness, and follow the PartyPropaganda activity。In-depth excavation, inheritance and innovation of excellent traditional local culture, and promote the construction of excellent farming culture exhibition area。We will continue to change rural customs and customs, strengthen village rules and conventions, and promote the points-based system.Go on four datesSuch practices, increase the high price of dowry, human comparison, heavy burial, poor maintenance, feudal superstition and other bad practices governance efforts, and actively carry out the pilot reform of marriage customs。We will intensify efforts to crack down on illegal religious activities and overseas infiltration activities in rural areas, and stop using religion to interfere in rural public affairs in accordance with the law。We will hold the farmers' Harvest Festival。

  30. Improve the evaluation and supervision mechanism for rural revitalization。Party committees and governments at all levels shall report annually to party committees and governments at higher levels on the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy。The city and county party and government leading teams and leading cadres to carry out the performance assessment of rural revitalization, and incorporate it into the comprehensive assessment and evaluation of party and government leading teams and leading cadres, strengthen the application of assessment results, and pay attention to promoting and using city and county party and government leading cadres with outstanding performance in rural revitalization。The main responsible comrades of city and county Party committees and governments who lag behind in the assessment ranking and perform their duties poorly shall be interviewed, and a regular interview mechanism shall be established。We will strengthen supervision and assessment of the implementation of the work of responsible departments for rural revitalization。The achievements of consolidating and expanding poverty alleviation will be included in the assessment of rural revitalization。We will improve the supervision mechanism for rural revitalization, innovate and improve the supervision methods, and promote the implementation of the work。Continue to correct formalism and bureaucracy, and reduce the unreasonable burden of village-level organizations into the key content of community-level supervision。


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