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The Party branch of Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Center carried out the theme Party Day activities of "Learning 20 Major and Forging a New Journey"

Post time: 2022-11-23 16:54:32 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

 Kaifeng City public resources trading center party branch

"Learning the 20, forging a new journey" theme Party Day activities


On the afternoon of November 21st,In order to further study and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress,Kaifeng public resources trading center party members, cadres and staff carried out5+N themeDaily Events。This month's theme is:"Study the Top 20, Forge a New Journey"

According to the agenda of the meeting, all Party members reviewed the oath to join the Party together, through a solemn ceremony, so that every Party member always remember their oath to join the Party, and do not forget the original heart and remember the mission。Secondly, reading the classics, we collectively watched the 20 report interpretation video program: Extraordinary achievements Great change。The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a very important congress held at a crucial moment when the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China are embarking on a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country and march toward the second centenary goal。

习近平总书记在党的二十大所作的报告全面回顾总结过去五年工作和新时代十年的Great change,科学擘画了未来中国的发展蓝图。The report of the 20th National Congress of the Party is the latest achievement of the modernization of Marxism in China, and we should arm our minds with the latest theoretical achievements。In the study and implementation of the report of the Party's twenty Congress, we must learn to be loyal, learn to be responsible, and learn to be energetic。Especially deep understanding“两个确立”的决定性意义,做到衷心拥护“两个确立”、忠诚践行“两个维护”,更加自觉地在政治上思想上行动与以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致。We should vigorously promote the idea that "Party members are speakers",Moisten things silently and do a good job of the Party's 20 spiritual propaganda articles,Promoting high-quality development through high-quality publicity;It is necessary to combine the current key work,Check the target tasks at the beginning of the table,Strong and weak items, make up for shortcomings,Do a good job of combining articles and practical articles,To promote the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress with solid work and results。支部党员纷纷表示要把思想和行动统一到习近平总书记重要讲话精神和党的二十大确定的各项任务上来,结合Trading center具体工作,持之以恒提高交易服务质量,锲而不舍加强公共资源交易欧洲杯365买球的建设。

In accordance with the provisions of the theme party day action requirements for the collective political birthday of Comrade Lian Chang 'an, the party members of the branch collectively paid the party fee for the month, and informed the party members of the month。

Increase intensity in overall learning。要把学习贯彻党的二十大报告同学习贯彻习近平总书记发表的一系列重要讲话精神结合起来,同学习贯彻习近平总书记在瞻仰延安革命纪念地和在陕西省延安市、河南省安阳市考察时的重要讲话精神结合起来,It should be combined with the decision of the Party Central Committee on conscientiously studying, propagating and implementing the spirit of the Party's Twenty Congresses,Further deepen understanding and deepen understanding,Strive to learn and think through,Knowledge, faith and practice are unified。

Put your mind to the overall grasp。In the theme Party Day activities, by focusing on learning and interpreting the video program of the Party's 20th National Congress report, the branch members are guided to accurately grasp a series of new expressions, new generalizations, and new judgments put forward by the Party's 20th National Congress, and understand the powerful truth force, innovative thought charm and spiritual temperament and character contained thereinThe "five firmly grasp" major requirements, firmly grasp the important call of the "three musts", and continue to deepen the regularity of the "Five necessary roads"。

Be a pioneer in full implementation。All Party members and cadres of the party branch must resolutely follow the requirements of the series deployment of the Party group at the higher level,To study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress is the top political task at present and in the coming period,To achieve comprehensive study, comprehensive grasp, comprehensive implementation,Focus on expanding the breadth and depth of applications,To implement the existing rules and regulations, see the strength,More quality, strong effect;Learn to unite, learn to be confident, learn to take responsibility,Turn learning results into internal motivation to do a good job,Based on their own, united struggle,To make new and greater contributions to the high-quality development of the public resources trading platform。

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