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We will comprehensively strengthen Party discipline and ensure that the whole Party has the same goal, solidarity and pace

Release time: 2024-06-21 16:30:58 Number of page views: Published by: Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee

We will comprehensively strengthen Party discipline and ensure that the whole Party has the same goal, solidarity and pace


CPC Central Committee Institute of Party History and Literature
June 21, 2024 at 05:48 |People's Online - People's Daily



  As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the Party must rely on strict discipline to ensure its new outlook and new achievements。Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚定不移全面从严治党,Incorporate discipline building into the overall plan for Party building,Strengthen political and organizational discipline,Drive all disciplines strictly and strictly to the end,Party discipline and rules were clearly set up and tightened,Fundamentally reversed the loose and soft state of Party governance。近期出版的《欧洲杯365买球》(以下简称《欧洲杯买球赛平台》)一书,分10个专题,收入习近平总书记相关重要论述329段。认真学习这些重要论述,对于全面加强党的纪律建设,把严的要求贯彻到党规制定、党纪教育、执纪监督全过程,确保全党目标一致、团结一致、步调一致,具有十分重要的意义。

  First, strengthening discipline is the solution to comprehensively and strictly governing the Party

  Discipline is the "yardstick" for governing the Party。习近平总书记指出,党要管党、从严治党,靠什么管,凭什么治?It depends on strict discipline。要全面加强党的纪律建设,把守纪律讲规矩摆在更加重要的位置,用严明的纪律管全党治全党。《欧洲杯买球赛平台》第一专题,集中反映了习近平总书记对全面加强党的纪律建设极端重要性的深刻论述。

  Strict discipline is the glorious tradition and unique advantage of the Party。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,没有规矩不成其为政党,更不成其为马克思主义政党。我们党是用革命理想和铁的纪律组织起来的马克思主义政党,组织严密、纪律严明是党的优良传统和政治优势,也是我们的力量所在。革命战争年代,我们党团结带领人民打败穷凶极恶的敌人、夺取中国革命胜利,靠的是铁的纪律保证。社会主义革命和建设时期,加强纪律建设成为我们党巩固新生政权、经受执政考验的战略举措。改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期,加强纪律建设成为我们党应对改革开放和市场经济考验、防止商品交换原则向党内渗透的有力武器。中国特色社会主义进入新时代,以习近平同志为核心的党中央用严明的纪律管党治党,确保全党统一意志、统一行动、步调一致前进,为党和国家事业取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革提供了坚强纪律保障。History and practice have fully proved that strict discipline is an important guarantee for our Party to continuously move from victory to victory。

  The more complex the situation the Party faces and the more arduous the tasks it shoulders, the more necessary it is to strengthen discipline。"When laws are enforced and discipline is self-righteous, there is no country without rule and no people without reform.。”在中国这样一个幅员辽阔、人口众多的发展中大国执政,如果不严明党的纪律,党的凝聚力和战斗力就会大大削弱,党的领导能力和执政能力就会大大削弱。How can such a big political party manage its own ranks?How to overcome risks and challenges?In addition to correct theories, lines, principles and policies, we must rely on strict norms and discipline。如果党的组织涣散、纪律松弛,就会削弱党的执政能力,动摇党的执政基础,甚至会断送我们党和人民的美好未来。On a new journey,面对全面建成社会主义现代化强国、以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的崇高使命,Facing the major challenges of high wind and waves and even rough waves on the way forward,In the face of the long-standing "four Tests" and "Four dangers",Our party should solve the problems unique to major political parties,Unite and lead the people in creating great historical achievements,It must be guaranteed by iron discipline。We must stand at the height of the long-term governance of the Party, the long-term stability of the country, and the happiness and well-being of the people,Comprehensively and strictly governing the Party is the Party's long-term strategy and eternal task,Adhere to the strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere for a long time,Make discipline construction more political, contemporary and targeted,Make sure the whole party is tied together,Heart to a place to think, strength to a place to make。

  To comprehensively and strictly govern the Party, the emphasis is on strengthening discipline。"If you want to know flatness, you must measure it;If you want to know the circumference, you must have rules。”以习近平同志为核心的党中央全面加强党的纪律建设,在党章中充实完善了纪律建设相关内容,把Since the 18th National Congress of the Party纪律建设理论、实践、制度创新成果总结提炼为党规党纪,表明了用严明的纪律管党治党的坚定决心。习近平总书记指出,纪律不严,从严治党就无从谈起。If rules cannot be set up and tightened, many problems will slowly arise。党的规矩总的包括党章、党的纪律、国家法律、党在长期实践中形成的优良传统和工作惯例。纪律是成文的规矩,一些未明文列入纪律的规矩是不成文的纪律;纪律是刚性的规矩,一些未明文列入纪律的规矩是自我约束的纪律。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,我们提出那么多要求,要多管齐下、标本兼治来落实,光靠觉悟不够,必须有刚性约束、强制推动,这就是纪律。各级党组织要把严守纪律、严明规矩放到重要位置来抓,努力在全党营造守纪律、讲规矩的氛围,使全党形成遵规守纪的高度自觉。

  2. Comprehensively strengthen Party discipline building with the Party Constitution as the fundamental principle and Party discipline as the basic criterion

  Party discipline and rules are the code of conduct that Party organizations at all levels and all Party members must abide by。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,要Take the Party Constitution as the foundation遵循,把坚决维护党中央权威和集中统一领导作为出发点和落脚点,必须执行政治纪律,Drive all disciplines strictly and strictly to the end。The second, third and fourth topics of the Extracts fully reflect the rich connotation of the Party's discipline construction。

  The Party Constitution is the general source of the Party's discipline and rules。The Party Constitution is the fundamental law of the Party and the general rule that the whole Party must follow。习近平总书记指出,党章是我们立党、治党、管党的总章程,是全党最基本、最重要、最全面的行为规范。党章集中体现了党的性质和宗旨、党的理论和路线方针政策、党的重要主张,规定了党内的重要制度和体制机制,是全面从严治党的基本遵循。这些年来,党员、干部队伍中出现的种种不规范、不正常现象,根本都在于漠视党章、背离党规。党的十八大刚闭幕,习近平总书记专门发表重要文章《欧洲杯365买球》,深刻阐述学习贯彻党章的重要性。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,加强纪律建设必须回到源头,从遵守和维护党章入手。党的二十大党章充分体现新时代党的工作和党的建设的新鲜经验,进一步划定了党员、干部工作生活的高线和底线。Party rules and discipline are the extension and concretization of the Party Constitution,Every Communist Party member, especially leading cadres, must firmly establish a sense of the Party Constitution,Study the Party Constitution more consciously, abide by the Party Constitution, implement the Party Constitution, and safeguard the Party Constitution,Study and implement other party regulations more consciously,Use the Party Constitution, Party rules and Party discipline to restrict their own words and deeds,Figure out what you can and can't do,What can and can't be done,Truly internalize the Party Constitution in the mind and externalize it in practice。

  The "two safeguards" are the Party's highest political principles and fundamental political rules。Political questions are fundamental and big questions at all times。全面从严治党、严明党的纪律,决不能回避政治问题,对政治隐患就要从政治高度认识。习近平总书记反复强调要警惕的“七个有之”,本质上是政治问题。On political issues, no one should cross the red line, and no one should play with political discipline and rules。All political questions within the party are, in the final analysis, about loyalty to the Party。Absolute loyalty to the party要害在“绝对”两个字,就是唯一的、彻底的、无条件的、不掺任何杂质的、没有任何水分的忠诚。Safeguarding the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee is an important principle for building a mature Marxist ruling party。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,维护党中央权威,决不是一般问题和个人的事,而是方向性、原则性问题,是党性,是大局,关系党、民族、国家前途命运。“两个维护”是Since the 18th National Congress of the Party我们党的重大政治成果和宝贵经验,是最根本的政治纪律和政治规矩。要深刻认识“两个维护”的政治内涵,核心只有党中央的核心,看齐只能向党中央看齐,始终同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致。Unity with the party central Committee is not an empty slogan, but a major political principle。Maintaining a high degree of unity with the Party Central Committee must be comprehensive,We should align ourselves with the CPC Central Committee in all areas of thought, politics and action,Be consistent inside and outside, and combine knowledge and practice;It has to be specific,You can't just talk about it,To implement in all aspects, all work;Must be firm,The resolute response advocated by the Party Central Committee,The decision of the Party Central Committee was resolutely complied with,The Party Central Committee will resolutely put an end to the prohibition,At all times and under all circumstances, we will maintain our political stance and orientation。Remember the "great state",Constantly improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution,We must maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee at all times and under all circumstances,The Party's flag is the banner, the Party's direction is the direction, and the Party's will is the will,Absolute loyalty to the party,One heart and one heart with the Party Central Committee,Sincerely love the Party, always worry about the party, firmly protect the Party, to revitalize the party。

  Strict Party discipline, first and foremost is strict political discipline。Of all Party disciplines and rules, political discipline and rules come first。习近平总书记指出,党的纪律是多方面的,但政治纪律是最重要、最根本、最关键的纪律,遵守党的政治纪律是遵守党的全部纪律的重要基础。党的政治纪律,是管方向、管立场、管根本的总要求,是各级党组织和全体党员在政治方向、政治立场、政治言论、政治行为方面必须遵守的规矩,是维护党的团结统一的根本保证。If political discipline is not maintained, it will affect the observance of other disciplines。Therefore, speaking politics, observing political discipline and political rules are always at the top of the list。遵守党的政治纪律,最核心的就是坚持党的领导,同党中央保持高度一致,自觉维护中央权威。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,全党必须讲政治,把政治纪律摆在首位,自觉按党的政治纪律和政治规矩办事,任何时候任何情况下都不能破坏党的政治纪律和政治规矩,都不能拿党的政治纪律和政治规矩做交易。Plenty of facts show that it is dangerous to let our guard down and lower our demands when it comes to political discipline。对政治纪律和政治规矩,要十分明确地强调、十分坚定地执行,不要语焉不详、闪烁其词。We must grasp this principle and bring other disciplines with us。Party organizations at all levels and all Party members must hold the Party's political discipline and rules in awe,Never forget political discipline, always observe political discipline,Focus on the "five must", "five never allowed",We will continue to strengthen our political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and anti-corruption determination,Always be politically informed。

  Strictly enforce the Party's organizational discipline and strengthen the sense of organizational discipline。The tight organizational system is the advantage and strength of Marxist political parties。我们党建立了包括党的中央组织、地方组织、基层组织在内的严密组织体系,这是世界上任何其他政党都不具有的强大优势。同时,这么大的党、这么多党组织和党员,如果组织纪律松弛,会成为党的一大忧患。Organizational concepts, organizational procedures, and organizational discipline must be tightened。If it is not strict, it will be disorganized。习近平总书记指出,要好好抓一抓组织纪律,加强全党的组织纪律性。Democratic centralism is the fundamental organizational principle and leadership system of our Party。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,要坚持按民主集中制原则处理党内组织和组织、组织和个人、同志和同志、集体领导和个人分工负责等重要关系,We will promote intra-party democracy and enhance intra-party harmony,Practice correct centralization and safeguard Party solidarity and unity,真正把民主集中制的优势变成我们党的政治优势、组织优势、制度优势、工作优势。如实向党组织报告个人有关事项,是领导干部必须遵守的纪律,也是检验领导干部对党是否忠诚老实的试金石。全党同志要强化组织意识,时刻想到自己是党的人,是组织的一员,时刻不忘自己应尽的义务和责任,相信组织、依靠组织、服从组织,自觉接受组织安排和纪律约束。

  All Party disciplines must be strictly enforced to the end。现在社会十分复杂,利益关系盘根错节,诱惑考验形形色色,干部要守住守牢拒腐防变防线,不是设一道、两道关口就够了,而是要Set up defenses at various levels、处处设防。Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,以习近平同志为核心的党中央将纪律整合为政治纪律、组织纪律、廉洁纪律、群众纪律、工作纪律和生活纪律。习近平总书记指出,必须严明党的纪律,党的各项纪律都要严。We must strictly enforce political and organizational discipline and consciously safeguard the unity and unity of the Party。要严明廉洁纪律,督促广大党员干部自觉遵守廉洁自律准则,自觉接受监督,敬畏人民、敬畏组织、敬畏法纪,公正用权、依法用权、廉洁用权,拒腐蚀、永不沾,决不搞特权,决不以权谋私,一身正气、两袖清风。要严明群众纪律,督促广大党员干部践行全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,做人民公仆,始终把人民群众安危冷暖放在心上,想问题、作决策、抓工作坚持从群众中来、到群众中去,时时做到与群众同甘苦、共忧乐、共奋进。要严明工作纪律,督促广大党员干部确立献身党和人民事业的崇高情怀,聚精会神履行党和人民赋予的神圣职责,实干苦干,不务虚功,夙兴夜寐,勤奋工作,以一流业绩回报党和人民的信任和重托。要严明生活纪律,督促广大党员干部严格约束自己的操守和行为,提升道德境界,追求高尚情操,自觉远离低级趣味,自觉抵制歪风邪气。

  Third, the strict requirements are implemented into the whole process of Party regulation formulation, Party discipline education, and discipline enforcement supervision

  Discipline is the standard and observance for party members and cadres to restrain their own behavior。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,要Take the Party Constitution as the foundation遵循,本着于法周延、于事有效的原则,We will improve the system of party rules and tighten the cage of Party discipline and regulations。各级党组织要坚持严字当头,加强纪律教育,强化纪律执行,使铁的纪律转化为党员、干部的日常习惯和自觉遵循。《欧洲杯买球赛平台》第五、六、七专题,集中反映了习近平总书记相关精辟论述。

  We will improve the system of party rules and tighten the cage of Party discipline and regulations。Discipline is the prerequisite for strict discipline。Strengthening the construction of intra-party laws and regulations is a long-term and fundamental policy for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party。习近平总书记指出,要坚持制度上全贯通,把制度建设要求体现到全面从严治党全过程、各方面、各层级,不断完善党内法规制度体系。法规制度不在多,而在精;不在形式花哨,而在务实管用;不在内容繁杂,而在简便易行。The Party's disciplinary regulations should be continuously improved in light of the situation and the needs of Party building to ensure that the system is complete, pragmatic and effective。要把党章和新形势下党内政治生活若干准则等党内法规的要求细化具体化,坚持问题导向,针对管党治党存在的突出问题,扎紧制度笼子,实现制度与时俱进。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,建立制度,不能大而全也不能小而碎,不能“牛栏关猫”也不能过于繁琐。We must make regulations scientifically and democratically,Focus on improving quality,Adhere to systematic thinking, dialectical thinking and bottom-line thinking,Reflect guidance, pertinence, operability,Combine "current change" with "long-term establishment",We will consolidate the achievements of innovation in Party governance into laws and regulations,To ensure that every legal system is standing, workable and manageable。Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚持制度治党、依规治党,Take the Party Constitution as the foundation,Democratic centralism as the core,A relatively complete system of intra-party laws and regulations has been formed,The authority of the system and its ability to enforce it have been continuously enhanced,The "bolts" of Party governance are being tightened,It provides a fundamental, overall, stable and long-term guarantee for Party building in the new era,It has formed a unique advantage of the rule of the Communist Party of China and the rule of China。

  Strengthen discipline education and cultivate discipline consciousness。Our Party has always stressed the need to cultivate "conscious discipline"。Party discipline is mandatory and at the same time based on the consciousness of party members and cadres。Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,我们党一直都在把党的纪律规矩是什么、能干什么、不能干什么向全党广而告之,不搞不教而诛。但一些领导干部对党规党纪不上心、不了解、不掌握,到接受处理的时候都认识不到问题的严重性。Always stick to the string of discipline,Greater efforts will be made to enhance discipline and self-awareness,Actively explore ways to make discipline education routine and institutionalized,Make party members and cadres enhance their sense of discipline,The Party constitution, Party rules and Party discipline engraved on the heart,Form a good habit of respecting the Party Constitution and observing Party discipline,Make discipline become immersed in the bone, melt in the blood of conscious cultivation。全面从严治党,既要注重规范惩戒、严明纪律底线,更要引导人向善向上,发挥理想信念和道德情操引领作用。习近平总书记指出,要加强新时代廉洁文化建设,传承党的光荣传统和优良作风,激发共产党员崇高理想追求,从思想上固本培元,提高党性觉悟,筑牢拒腐防变的思想道德防线。

  Strengthen the implementation of discipline, so that discipline truly become a high-voltage line of electricity。"Wooden rope is straight, and gold is sharpened.。The vitality of a legal system lies in its implementation。习近平总书记指出,制定制度很重要,更重要的是抓落实,九分气力要花在这上面。We Communists have established discipline and established rules, and we must abide by them。严格纪律规矩,不仅要有内容完善、针对性强的法规制度,而且要有坚持原则、不打折扣的执纪过程,使各项纪律规矩真正成为“带电的高压线”,防止出现“破窗效应”。Adherence to Party discipline is unconditional。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,要坚持严字当头,切实维护纪律的刚性、严肃性,决不能把纪律当成“橡皮筋”、“橡皮泥”,不能把纪律作为一个软约束或是束之高阁的一纸空文。要用纪律管住全体党员,坚持党纪面前党员人人平等,不允许有不受纪律约束的特殊党员存在。要有纪必执,有违必查,对踩“红线”、越“底线”、闯“雷区”的,要零容忍,坚决严肃追责,让铁规发力、让禁令生威。To grasp discipline, we must dare to criticize with a straight face and dare to grasp and manage。Leading cadres, especially senior cadres, must be strict with themselves, strictly assume their responsibilities, and strictly supervise their jurisdiction。要巩固和发展执纪必严、违纪必究常态化成果,下大气力建制度、立规矩、抓落实、重执行,让制度“长牙”、纪律“带电”,充分发挥纪律建设标本兼治的利器作用,让党员、干部知敬畏、存戒惧、守底线。

  Fourth, adhere to the Party spirit, conduct and discipline together, and strengthen the all-round management and regular supervision of cadres

  Party spirit, party style, party discipline is the organic whole, party spirit is fundamental, party style is the performance, party discipline is the guarantee。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,要以优良作风作引领,以严明纪律强保障,坚持维护党的纪律严肃性和信任爱护干部相统一,严管和厚爱相结合,最大限度防止干部出问题,最大限度激发干部积极性。《欧洲杯买球赛平台》第八、九、十专题,对习近平总书记有关重要论述作了充分反映。

  We will resolutely implement the spirit of the Central Committee's eight-point regulations and enforce strict discipline in our work style。The issue of party style is related to the survival of the ruling party。习近平总书记指出,制定实施中央八项规定,是我们党在新时代的徙木立信之举,必须常抓不懈、久久为功,十年不够就二十年,二十年不够就三十年,直至真正化风成俗,以优良党风引领社风民风。经过新时代全面从严治党的革命性锻造,纪律松弛、作风飘浮状况显著改变,真管真严、敢管敢严、长管长严氛围基本形成,党风政风焕然一新,社风民风持续向好,重塑了党在人民心中的形象。但这些问题抓得越久越能看出风气转变何其之难,作风积弊还没有根除,有些问题依然以变相和地下的状态存在着。要把握作风建设地区性、行业性、阶段性特点,抓住普遍发生、反复出现的问题深化整治,推进作风建设常态化长效化。要锲而不舍落实中央八项规定精神,持续深化纠治“四风”,重点纠治形式主义、官僚主义。要越往后执纪越严,特别是对新选拔的年轻干部,凡是存在违反中央八项规定精神行为的一律从严查处。

  Adhere to discipline in law, discipline enforcement and law enforcement, deepen the use of the "four forms"。Discipline is stricter than the law and discipline is before the law, which is an important achievement of institutional innovation since the 18th National Congress of the CPC。Countless cases have proved that party members "breaking the law" all begin with "breaking discipline".。The nature and purpose of the Party have determined that discipline is stricter than the law and discipline is before the law。习近平总书记指出,要坚持依法治国和依规治党有机统一,注重党内法规同国家法律的衔接和协调,把执纪和执法贯通起来。We must learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones, and cure diseases to save people,Deepen the use of the "Four Forms",Make sweaty red faces the norm,Use a variety of methods,Set up defenses at various levels,Always remind,To ensure that party members and cadres do not make or make fewer mistakes,Educate everyone to enhance the awareness of discipline and rules,Further develop the habit of working and living in a supervised and constrained environment。要严格落实“三个区分开来”,最大限度调动广大干部的积极性、主动性、创造性。Trust is the greatest care, but trust cannot replace supervision。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,要在日常监督上下功夫,坚持抓早抓小、防微杜渐,发现苗头性、倾向性问题及时批评教育。Strict control is great love。Strict management of cadres should be implemented throughout the whole process of cadre construction,Adhere to the unity of strict management and care and trust,Strengthen all-dimensional management,Integrate behavior management and thought management,Connect work circle management with social circle management,Connect management within eight hours with management beyond eight hours,Manage key people, manage to key places, manage key things, and manage at key times,In particular, we must keep a handle on it。

  Implement the "two responsibilities" and strengthen supervision and accountability。全面从严治党必须落实管党治党责任,不明确责任,不落实责任,不追究责任,从严治党是做不到的。习近平总书记指出,党要管党,首先是党委要管、党委书记要管。It is the responsibility of Party organizations at all levels to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party, and Party organizations at all levels and their leaders are all responsible subjects。各级党委(党组)要落实好主体责任,不能用纪委的监督责任代替党委的主体责任,更不能放弃责任、一推了之。We must strictly enforce discipline, and promote Party management and governance from the past "loose and soft" to a comprehensive "strict and hard"。Supervision and accountability for discipline enforcement is the fundamental responsibility entrusted to discipline inspection organs by the Party Constitution。各级纪委要找准在全面从严治党中的职能定位,履行好监督责任,更好发挥党内监督专责机关作用,强化监督、铁面执纪、严肃问责。General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,要用好以党章、准则、条例、规定为主体的管党治党制度利器,推动主体责任和监督责任一贯到底,把负责、守责、尽责体现在每个党组织、每个岗位上。Adhere to the whole chain of responsibility,Party committees (Party groups) at all levels should be fully and strictly responsible for the Party's main body and the supervision responsibilities of discipline inspection commissions at all levels,推动各级党委(党组)书记扛起第一责任人责任、领导班子其他成员切实担负“一岗双责”,Let every Party member and cadre exercise their due rights and fulfill their due responsibilities,To achieve equal rights and responsibilities, failure must be asked,Pressure layer conduction,Responsibilities go hand in hand,We will strengthen our sense of responsibility and mission in running the Party,Consolidate and develop the good situation in which the whole Party works together。

  习近平总书记关于全面加强党的纪律建设的重要论述,立意高远,内涵丰富,思想深刻,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,为新时代全面加强党的纪律建设提供了科学指引和行动指南。We need to study extracts together.,认真学习领会习近平总书记有关重要论述,Solid development of Party discipline study and education,Guide party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, Ming discipline, and observe discipline,Truly transform discipline rules into political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness,We promoted comprehensive and in-depth development of strict self-governance over the Party,It will provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for comprehensively promoting the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization。


  People's Daily (06-06-21, 2024)

(Editor: Yong Niu and Hong-Bin Yue)

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